no stuff, only..

hey whuddup

it's ya boi, cam fivattew. i'm updating this page in muther hecking twenty eight teen
this page is really really d*ng old, like REALLY OLD
and therefore, really bad
i shall add to my original thoughts by putting the NEW, TWENTY EIGHTTEEN THOUGHTS in [SQUARE BRACKETS] as not to disturbe the totally worthwhile OLD TEXT
Thank's :heart:

this is your new homepage [black knight voice "no it isn't"]. if i do somthing cool you can find it here prolly[uh, uh that shit goin on the main page lmao]; its basically a secret sitemap and then some [more like time capsule lol]

you found the stuff page by snooping around my website. [literally no way to find this w/o me telling u how] I dunno how you did it because nobody really knows about this page and it's not linked to from anywhere. [but how the fuck did you find this page really]

this page contains pretty much all of the secrets on my website and then some. [no it doesn't ] Some secrets arent here thou looooool [more like most sectets]


aag, mediocre game made in a game-design class press F7 to toggle devmode [aw hell, i removed this from the webzone. if you really wanna see it, shoot me an email and i'll send it to ya]

afd, mediocre random stealth game i made because i was bored press Esc to go to the menu and change the generation [oh, naive 16yo me lol]
No, AFD doesn't stand for anything [still doesn't]

various builds of UnnamedGameLol

[gonna take these down eventually, or if/when i get enough people en masse looing at this page] !!HEYO!! all the links here lead to the same file, you can just click one and itll download all theree in a zip f ile
built on September 1st 2015
This one you can hold P and press Delete to access a debug menu; type a level name in and hit Enter or Return. (you can type stuff like 'levelred', 'levelgreen', and 'newtest'. Experiment a bit; there are more things you can type)

built on November 30th 2014

Dedicated demo running on old tec
also, raddy listen to what Block has to say, sometimes he reveals secrets [lmao i put this b/c everyone who played the game completely ignored him and it made me mad cause i worked ages on that dio]


Ya can find musics that I did at this page right here then
theres more here at me soundcloud [ah, i remember when i started using my soundcloud. good times.]
this'n is my favie [nnggg, i dunno about that anymore. the original wat was pretty good, 'specially since it was like the 3rd song i did or whatever, but some of my new stuff on mah soundzone is way better-like.]

Also you can find secrets hidden in the source code of some of these pages [ah, that;s right, i said i would do that lmao i kinda forgot, maybe i'll add some]
nvm you probably already knew that; thats how you found this page lol [more like you discovered random shit when scouring my webzone like a creep lmao (jk <3)]

also how many tears can you find in this website [many]
[that's the answer, it's many]
[like i have entire fucking pages dedicated to fucking tears jokes]

[since you've been such a good sport, i'll add some new stuff here;]

[listen to the mayor rant about low-level high school economics, while you jam to the neat beats of kevin macleod made for a class. an economics class that i didn't need to make somthing this elaborate in , but i did. what is wrong with me]

[get advertized to by a fucking floating eyeball who is the mascot of a candy company that does not exist, also advertising a cadny that doesn not exist. made for the same class as above]

[i hate both of these]

[oh, one more. check out that's where DAVIDCOLA was originally before i moved it to]
[i guess it can't be in more than one place? ceartainly wasnt expecitign that when i made it. i just hope this doesn t turn into a repeat fo last time.]


You're lazy; read the friggin page, come on. [i mean shit wall of text i don't blame you]
Copyriiiiight 2016 [2018] camosstudios
everything else belongs to their rightful owners or somthing idk idc